RhinoPac PS0703 | Clutch Master and Slave Cylinder Assembly
Clutch Master and Slave Cylinder AssemblyClutch Master Slave Cylinder Assembly, Clutch Hydraulic System, Pre-Filled Clutch Master & Slave Cylinder System
Advantages:Applications: Designed for applications that typically include a pedal pulsation damper, but usually don't include a conventional bleed screw. The design of these components makes conventional bleeding difficult and time consuming.Fully bled system includes a master cylinder and slave cylinder, connected by the hydraulic line. No additional components are required.If the built-in pedal pulsation damper becomes contaminated, the system becomes nearly impossible to bleed. In addition, it is especially difficult to remove air from the damper. The pre-filled system eliminates these difficulties.In order to reduce warranty and downtime in difficult-to-bleed applications, AMS Automotive offers pre-filled clutch hydraulic systems.Late model hydraulic systems require a variety of complex bleed procedures. Obtaining this information is challenging, and properly bleeding these systems is even more difficult. The bleed procedure on a dry system can take an hour or more. The pre-filled system reduces shop time and eliminates warranty.Pre-Filled Systems